Fast Food
Here's a sample of John
Cook's eBook,
In the Heat of the Kitchen
The orders were coming in to the grill
section thick and fast. It seemed that the whole population of Castlebar
was under the 'Bronze Arches' that night. Sally was glowing with the heat,
and her uniform shirt, which was straining under the force exerted by
her generous cleavage, was beginning to become transluscent with moisture.
"What are you doing after work?" asked Roger.
"I hadn't made any plans, but I'd love to get away from this town
for a little while" Sally replied. "Do you fancy a drive out
to the countryside?"
Sally started to gather
the ingredients to mix another large container of McPherson's Special
Burger Sauce. The tub of tomato sauce was easy to open and scoop out,
and the mild mustard easy to squeezed into the container without a hitch.
A tablespoon of lemon juice, a dash of Tabasco and a good sprinkling of
salt and pepper completed the base flavours. On lifting the bucket of
mayonnaise down from the shelf above, she discovered, too late, that someone
hadn't closed the lid properly. An oily blob of the contents of the bucket
slid down the front of her shirt.
"Oh no!" she exclaimed, "only 20 minutes to go before clocking
out, and I'll have to go and wash and change.
Someone else will have to make the sauce now. I don't suppose you'd
like to take your break now, and come and help me, Roger!" she teased.

And now a sample of Paul Waits'
new eBook, Last Tango in Brazil
Enrique and Isabelle gazed into each other's eyes over the glowing
beeswax candles. Their table was exquisitely dressed with crisp white
linen, and heavy silver cutlery, highly polished and perfectly positioned
around the fine bone china. The Irish Crystal goblets just captured the
ruby glow of the finest Cabernet Sauvignon the vineyards of Chili had
to offer.
The couple had done justice to the rare Chateau Briande, and there were
only a few scraps left on the platter between them. Isabelle had particularly
enjoyed the Duchesse Potatoes with a hint of garlic. 'Good thing Enrique
likes garlic, too,' she thought to herself, 'it won't get between us when
we're having "dessert" later!'
They knew that their waiter, dressed in a long starched white apron
and black tie, was watching them discreetly, but were sure it was only
so he could immediately give them anything at all they required. Isabelle
wondered if the darkly handsome Enrique would ever ask her the question
she longed to hear, and Enrique wondered how he could ever have found
a woman so beautiful and voluptuous.
"Shall we go back to my penthouse after supper?" enquired
Isabelle. "I have a box of your favourite cigars, and a bottle of
Courvoissier. I told Evita to light a log fire and fluff up the bearskin
rug for us. I know how you like to feel the soft fur on your body."
"Oh, I thought we might go to the cafe bar for a little while
first, 'cara mia'. It's been such a long time since we danced together,
and Carlos Mendoza and his Band are playing tonight. They're fantastic
to Tango to!" Enrique stroked Isabella's hand as he made his request.
He knew his friends from the old neighbourhood would be there, and he
wanted to show off his new acquisition.

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Slow Cooking
Try simmering along with
Jemma Starr in this excerpt from
The (P)leisure Centre
Janet couldn't wait to start her new
job as Chef du Partie in the Hotel's brand new Leisure Centre. The staff
were allowed to come into work early so that they could try out all the
facilities. The management were very progressive in the Great Southern
Hotel Group, and knew that staff would give the best customer service
if they had good product knowledge and were happy in their jobs.
As Janet sat in the state-of-the art steamroom, she daydreamed about the
Special of the Day in the Centre's Restaurant. It was her job to devise
tasty low fat recipes for luxurious desserts. It was a tall order, but
she was enjoying the challenge.
Today's Special Dessert was
going to have a soft Pavlova base topped with Creme Fraiche whipped with
a little Philadelphia Light cream cheese. This would be topped with fresh
strawberries and raspberries which had been sprinkled with a mixture of
golden caster sugar, cinnamon and freshly ground nutmeg. A fruit coulis
moat would surround the concoction, and it would be topped with toasted
slivered almonds and dusted with icing sugar.
Janet was so deep in thought that she barely noticed Adam, the tall, blond
swimming and aerobics instructor entering the steamroom. Adam, however,
had noticed Janet before, and admired her toned physique and long legs.
He especially liked her sun-streaked long blond hair and clear blue eyes.
Janet's dark turquoise bikini compemented her colouring, and the sheen
from her tanned body was very attractive this morning.
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